Keep Truckin!
It has been a busy few days. I have a lot of other priorities and the kayak, one of my personal favorites, tends to fall to the back of the line. But I got a few strong hours in over the past few days. I have permanetly glued the coaming on, resanded the boat and best of all flipped and I am now moving forward on the hull.
I have to say that this is an exciting part of the build, as I have not seen the boats in any other positions than the one I began the build in. I took the time tonight to fillet the hull plates on the outside, the first round anyway. Tomorrow, if the epoxy hardens, I ill remove the stitches and begin sanding. With the cold night expected tonight however, I suspect thy will need anothe day.
But I have planned or that, as I have the coaming ready to be built on the other yak tomorrow. So either which way I am putting in a few solid hours tomorrow.
Last, I have to say moving the Kayak to the floor for the station change was very cool. I haven't even realized how nice the okum and sappelle contrast each other untli tonight. Also seeing the boat in a more natural setting was motivating. Sometimes you loose steam in a project this size, but all it takes is a change of scenary to keep truckin!