A northern Michigan kayak & kayak builder story.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A New Boat!!

OK, so here's the story. I got married, traveled to Eurpoe for about a month, and then had the holiday's.

But now, with the help of Matt, I am back building a Tom Yost Sea Ranger!! I am excited, because unlike the Cirrus this boat should prove to be easy. So tune back in and get ready for the new build.

So here's a few pics opf the stations, the wood for two boats and me! (Thanks Matt for the Pic).

So far I have cut the stations, epxoied them, stripped the wood to the proper length and scarfed the joints to make them 19' or so. I am atempted to epoxy them tonight, but I could only keep heat in the garage for about two hours, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for a good epoxy joint. Stay tuned!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Can't stop at just one, eh? (Or is it two, or three?) I look forward to watching your progress.

11:37 AM


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