More Work!
But I love it! I finally got the bottom of the hull filleted and I am in the process of glassing it. This involves 6oz glass and a ton of resin. But all in all it looks great. I even added the stem bands for decoration.
However, Michigan weather sucks. Tonigt is supposed to drop to 39 F that sucks for the resin. After the second coat, I ran my propane heater for about an hour to boost the temp.
Also I had a bit of a problem with the glass bubbling, It's really kind of weird seing as though it was not there to begin with. But it's not a huge deal, as the sander will take them right down.
For my last trick, I also finished the coaming on the other boat. I do not suggest this coaming any more. It is very, very , very expensive, and it is just a coaming. But on the other hand it is very unique and strong.
Were almost paddling! Hooray!!!
9:58 PM
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